March 30th was an impressive evening for the troop, when one of our teams successfully defended the district scout quiz trophy, won last year, and another team coming second, only one point behind. As a result of their hard work in helping to organise the District St Georges day service, most of the scouts were awarded the Faith Participation award. We had good positive feedback from other members of the district, who felt the service was well presented. In early March, scouts began their preparation for the Bah’t at walk, which is a 13 mile challenge walk, over Baildon & Ilkley Moor. To achieve the Fitness Challenge Badge, scouts had to take part in at least 4 Saturday practise walks, and complete the Bah’t at. No one could have envisaged how difficult, due to the weather conditions, the walk would be. We encountered driving rain, hail, gale force winds and atrocious under foot conditions. All our scouts, leaders and parents completed the walk, with the scouts fully deserving their Fitness Challenge Badge. West Yorkshire County Scouts came up trumps over the May Bank Holliday weekend when they organised a brilliant camp at the Yorkshire Show Ground for over 5000 Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers & Leaders. Despite the below freezing night time temperatures, everyone had a great time taking part in the hundreds of activities on offer.
Most of our scouts recently camped at Fan wood, working towards their Outdoor Challenge, or Outdoor Challenge +.
Coming up we have the annual Field Day weekend camp and our summer camp at Hesley Wood scout camp site, during July.