Cheers to Our Amazing Squirrels/Beavers/Cubs/Scouts and Leaders!

Wow, what a day it’s been at our St. George’s Day Parade and church bash! Big shoutout to everyone who rocked up and made it a day to remember. Your energy and spirit made the whole shebang sparkle!

Now, let’s give it up for some seriously awesome folks:

Richard Lupton: High-fives all around for snagging that Assistant Beaver Scout Leader Wood Badge! Richard, you’re the real MVP for your dedication to our Beaver Scouts. Keep on rocking!

Faye Irving: Woohoo! Massive congrats to Faye for bagging her Assistant Squirrel Leader Wood Badge! The little Squirrels are lucky to have you leading the charge with your boundless enthusiasm.

Helen Kennedy: Give it up for Helen, everyone! 20 whole years of service to our scouting fam—that’s seriously impressive stuff! Thanks for being a guiding light for us all.

And from everyone at the Group, a very Happy Birthday to Linda Heptinstall, who gave up her birthday afternoon to join us on parade this afternoon.

And let’s not forget the awesome crew from the 14th Spen Valley! You folks smashed it out of the park with this year’s parade and service. Thanks for making it all happen in style!

As we wrap up this epic day, let’s carry the good vibes and camaraderie forward. Here’s to more adventures, more memories, and more moments that make us proud to be part of this awesome scouting family.