Good Morning Parents/Members & Supporters,
I am writing to formally invite you on behalf of the Group Scout Leader and Group Executive Committee Chairman to the AGM and joint sections evening for the 11th Spen Valley Scout Group.
Due to the current Covid-19 restrictions we are unable to have our usual AGM face to face therefore we will be hosting the meeting “Virtually” via the Zoom platform.
The AGM is a legal requirement which as a group we have to have each year to comply with Charities Commission rules and this year we will be holding the meeting on Friday 4th September 2020 at 19:00. Following the AGM we will be hosting a joint all sections Zoom in replacement for our usual Friday evening meetings.
The AGM is your chance to hear from the Group Executive and Section Leaders who will all present reports and its your chance to ask any questions.
I have attached to this email a copy of this years reports and formal accounts so you have chance to read them prior to the meeting.
One of the items on the agenda is election to the Executive Committee, this is an important, but not onerous role. It involves attending three or four meeting a year and helping to oversee the running of the Group. We now meet on Tuesday evenings to avoid clashes with our normal meeting night duties. I enclose a leaflet from the Scout Association outlining the role. If you are interested in helping in this way do let myself or one of the section leaders know.
The meeting will also look back at the last twelve months and celebrate the young people achievements, please do support the Leaders and Executive Committee by attending the meeting, it will start at 19:00 and should take no longer than one hour.
A further reminder and Zoom login details will be sent nearer the time.
Please do help us and support us by joining us on the 4th for the meeting
Kind Regards
Michael Holroyd
11th Spen Valley (Hunsworth) Scout Group