The 11th Spen Valley Squirrels embarked on an unforgettable adventure as we recently journeyed to Eureka!, a hands-on children’s museum renowned for its interactive exhibits that ignite curiosity and imagination in children of all ages. This extraordinary outing was made…
Squirrel’s Rock: Celebrating a Year of Fun at 11th SV
Hey there, nature lovers and adventure seekers! Can you believe it’s been a whole year since we launched the Squirrel’s at the 11th Spen Valley Scout Group? Time flies when you’re having fun, and boy, have we had a blast!…
Squirrels “Big Day Out”
Saturday 20th May was the day, that the 11th Spen Valley Squirrels joined with other Squirrels from all over West Yorkshire as part of the West Yorkshire Scouts “Big Day Out” for Squirrels at Ponderosa Zoo Heckmondwike. The Squirrels enjoyed…