Friday 9th February 2018Cub & Scout Swimming GalaSpen Pool @ 19:15
Friday 16th February 2018Cubs to Scouts Going up Ceremony20:00 @ the HQ
Friday 9th March 2018Scouts District Quiz11th HQ at 20:30
Friday 30th March 2018Good FridayNO Meeting for any sections
Friday 21st April 2018Scouts District Cooking Competition10:00 – 12:00 7th HQ
Sunday 21st April 2018District St Georges Day Parade(See Separate Details)
Friday 11th May 2018Cub & Scout Section Weekend CampWeekend Camp at Fanwood (See Separate Details)
Sunday 20th May 2018Group Annual GalaParent help needed
Friday 6th – Sunday 8th JulyDistrict Field Day Weekend11th Group are the host group this year
Saturday 7th JulyDistrict Field DayBeavers and Cubs invited to Fanwood for the
day stalls and other activities, come along and
find out all about Scouting in Spen Valley.